Sunday, June 5, 2011

Quick, fast, and in a hurry

I haven't told many people about the morning Bryce came, because it happened so fast.

It started at 1:25am when I was awaken by a very uncomfortable feeling. Something didn't feel right and I went to the bathroom where I noticed something that I shouldn't have been seeing at 33.6 weeks pregnant. My 1st thought was that I'm getting ready to have this baby. I told my husband that we needed to go to the hospital and we needed to go now. He didn't quite believe me so we woke up the toddler and took her with us.

The contractions began. Alright these ain't no Braxton Hixes. (lol)

The admission nurse asked me question really quickly and spoke in sentences that let me know things were about to start moving really quickly. Whenever your admission nurse says, "Ok Mrs. Hunter, whose here with you?" You know it's about to get rocky. The doctor had to let my husband know that they discovered  that my darling son was in a breech position, I was 8cm dilated...moving quickly to 9cm, and that I would have to have an emergency c-section, where I would be put to sleep and intubated. He said okay, and that he would take our daughter to his mom's house.

This is when the party really started rolling. I tried to look at the clock and mentally record what time it was. Probably around twoish. So before I was knocked out, this is what I remember.

  1. Being told that my son was in a breech position and that I would have to have an emergency c-section
  2. Being asked if I wanted a tubal litigation. What am I being sued for? lol
  3. Signing 4 places for the anesthesiologist.
  4. Being gifted my own personal catheter.
  5. Putting on a sexy blue hat.
  6. Having a nurse try to put my IV in 3 places.
  7. Being pulled on a cold table, strapped down in 4 places.
  8. Having the largest piece of double stick table placed on my stomach
  9. Being told I was getting oxygen.
  10. Listening to Cee Lo Green and singing with the nurses
  11. Being asked to count to 10...I got to 3
  12. Praying to the Lord that he let me wake up to see my kids
  13. Waking up in the worst pain ever
That's about all that I remember...stay tuned for Top 10 List of Hilarious Things about Being in the Hospital

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Birth of the Blog

The birth of the Hunter Family of 4 all began when I was asked if I had seen a former teacher's blog about her son. My response was no, but immediately got those creative juices of mine stirring. I told the colleague that I would love to blog about my little family and she informed me that she could totally see me doing that. That was the day that the plan was actually conceived...Just days later a series of events occured including "Braxton Hicks" contractions, 2 baby showers, and another bouncing preemie...You guessed it. I had the baby!